What's the "line-num"-field in Quotes?


I'm stuck on the line-num field in the Quote interface.

Can it be fetched using the api or is it calculated on the spot.

I found it in the metadata under the name "line_num"(modules.Products.views.quote-data-group-list.meta.panels[0].fields[0]):

"name": "line_num",
"label": null,
"widthClass": "cell-xsmall",
"css_class": "line_num tcenter",
"type": "line-num",
"readonly": true

I cannot find anything in the documentation about its type or the field itself.

Kind Regards

  • Hi Jan Aelbrecht,

    Line number is calculated using the plugin QuotesLineNumHelper.js inside modules/Quotes/clients/base/plugins.

    As it is calculated on the go, I am not sure if you would be able to retrieve it using API.

    If you don't mind, what's the use case of retrieving it via API, you can fetch the related products sort by date_entered ASC and it will be in same order as displayed in the quotes record view.



  • Hi Jan Aelbrecht,

    Line number is calculated using the plugin QuotesLineNumHelper.js inside modules/Quotes/clients/base/plugins.

    As it is calculated on the go, I am not sure if you would be able to retrieve it using API.

    If you don't mind, what's the use case of retrieving it via API, you can fetch the related products sort by date_entered ASC and it will be in same order as displayed in the quotes record view.



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