SugarCRM Rest api function response always trimmed by last 2 characters

I have the issue in the SugarCRM REST Function. I have created the Sugar Module I am working in that. I have dashlet file for a REST call and in that, there is the function, So from that function whatever I return, That response always truncates the last 2 characters.

Initially I was thinking this is the issue from REST API, but for now I hardcoded the response but still, the issues are there.

Suppose I return "Hello World", Then I am getting the response "Hello Wor"

<?php  require_once('include/api/SugarApi.php');require_once 'include/SugarTheme/SidecarTheme.php';require_once('custom/clients/base/helper/SecurityHelper.php');class FreshDashletApi extends SugarApi{    public function registerApiRest()    {        return array(            'freshdeskdashlet' => array(                'reqType' => 'GET',                'path' => array('freshdeskdashlet'),                'pathVars' => array(''),                'method' => 'getFreshdeskDashlet',                'shortHelp' => '',                'longHelp' => '',            ),            'ticketfields' => array(                'reqType' => 'GET',                'path' => array('ticketfields'),                'pathVars' => array(''),                'method' => 'getCustomFields',                'shortHelp' => '',                'longHelp' => '',            ),        );    }     public function getFreshdeskDashlet($api, $args)    {        $data = array (            'ticket_json' =>                array (                    0 =>                        array (                            'associates_rdb' => NULL,                            'association_type' => NULL,                            'cc_email' =>                                array (                                    'cc_emails' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                    'fwd_emails' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                    'reply_cc' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                    'tkt_cc' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                ),                            'created_at' => '2019-02-05T15:06:30+05:30',                            'deleted' => false,                            'delta' => true,                            'description' => 'This is our test ticket for Sugar CRM Test',                            'description_html' => ' This is our test ticket for Sugar CRM Test ',                            'dirty' => 0,                            'display_id' => 22,                            'due_by' => '2019-02-08T15:06:30+05:30',                            'email_config_id' => NULL,                            'frDueBy' => '2019-02-06T15:06:30+05:30',                            'fr_escalated' => false,                            'group_id' => NULL,                            'id' => 42017573142,                            'internal_agent_id' => NULL,                            'internal_group_id' => NULL,                            'isescalated' => false,                            'owner_id' => NULL,                            'parent_ticket_id' => NULL,                            'priority' => 1,                            'requester_id' => 42008575970,                            'responder_id' => NULL,                            'sl_escalation_level' => NULL,                            'sl_manual_dueby' => NULL,                            'sl_merge_parent_ticket' => NULL,                            'sl_product_id' => NULL,                            'sl_skill_id' => NULL,                            'sl_sla_policy_id' => NULL,                            'sla_state' => 0,                            'source' => 3,                            'spam' => false,                            'st_survey_rating' => NULL,                            'status' => 2,                            'subject' => 'Sugar Test',                            'ticket_type' => 'Question',                            'to_email' => NULL,                            'trained' => false,                            'updated_at' => '2019-02-05T15:06:30+05:30',                            'urgent' => false,                            'status_name' => 'Open',                            'requester_status_name' => 'Being Processed',                            'priority_name' => 'Low',                            'source_name' => 'Phone',                            'requester_name' => 'Amol Rokade',                            'responder_name' => 'No Agent',                            'to_emails' => NULL,                            'product_id' => NULL,                            'custom_field' =>                                array (                                ),                        ),                ),            'domain' => '',            'credentials' => 'X2Y9CfvfdvseUUZvdfvfdvvfvf7e3Pud1tI',            'ssl' => 'http',            'ticket_fields' =>                array (                    'ticket_fields' =>                        array (                            'ticket_type' =>                                array (                                    'Question' => 'Question',                                    'Incident' => 'Incident',                                    'Problem' => 'Problem',                                    'Feature Request' => 'Feature Request',                                ),                            'ticket_status' =>                                array (                                    'Open' => 2,                                    'Pending' => 3,                                    'Resolved' => 4,                                    'Closed' => 5,                                    'Waiting on Customer' => 6,                                    'Waiting on Third Party' => 7,                                ),                            'ticket_priority' =>                                array (                                    'Low' => 1,                                    'Medium' => 2,                                    'High' => 3,                                    'Urgent' => 4,                                ),                            'ticket_group' =>                                array (                                    'Product Management' => 42000076370,                                    'QA' => 42000076371,                                    'Sales' => 42000076372,                                ),                            'agent' =>                                array (                                    'John Deo' => 42001642325,                                ),                        ),                ),            'email' => '',            'tickets' =>                array (                    0 =>                        array (                            'ticket_field' =>                                array (                                    'active' => true,                                    'column_name' => NULL,                                    'created_at' => '2018-05-02T10:07:06+05:30',                                    'default' => true,                                    'description' => 'Ticket status',                                    'editable_in_portal' => false,                                    'field_options' => NULL,                                    'field_type' => 'default_status',                                    'flexifield_coltype' => NULL,                                    'flexifield_def_entry_id' => NULL,                                    'id' => 42000265137,                                    'import_id' => NULL,                                    'label' => 'Status',                                    'label_in_portal' => 'Status',                                    'level' => NULL,                                    'name' => 'status',                                    'parent_id' => NULL,                                    'position' => 4,                                    'prefered_ff_col' => NULL,                                    'required' => true,                                    'required_for_closure' => false,                                    'required_in_portal' => false,                                    'ticket_form_id' => 42000023745,                                    'updated_at' => '2018-05-02T10:07:06+05:30',                                    'visible_in_portal' => true,                                    'choices' =>                                        array (                                            0 => 'Open',                                            1 => 'Pending',                                            2 => 'Resolved',                                            3 => 'Closed',                                            4 => 'Waiting on Customer',                                            5 => 'Waiting on Third Party',                                        ),                                    'nested_ticket_fields' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                ),                        ),                ),            'module' => 'Contact',        );        return $data;    }}

In The console, I am getting below error.

HttpError {request: HttpRequest, status: 200, responseText: "↵↵{"ticket_json":[{"associates_rdb":null,"associat"],"nested_ticket_fields":[]}}],"module":"Contact", textStatus: "parsererror", errorThrown: 

But unfortunately, I unable to find them from where it's exactly doing the JSON Parse and why only last 2 characters are get Truncated.

Any Help will be much appreciated.

Parents Reply
  • I tested your code in a native Sugar 8.0.0 environment, wrote your code to custom/clients/base/api/FreshDashletApi.php, commented the 3 require_once statements and added a 

    'noLoginRequired' => true,

    in the registerApiRest array to make test easier and got the correct full json array as a result (see attachment)

    Perhaps you should really check whether your file is encoded in UTF8 without BOM. The two 


    at the beginning of the response let me suppose that there are some whitespace characters at the beginning of the return array which could produce the error message. And please try to comment your require_once statements to make sure that the bug is not in an include file.

    Perhaps additionally you can check your php.ini setting for  default_charset="UTF-8"

    I attached the php file and the formatted output.

    Harald Kuske
    Principal Solution Architect – Professional Services, EMEA
    SugarCRM Deutschland GmbH

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