SugarCRM Rest api function response always trimmed by last 2 characters

I have the issue in the SugarCRM REST Function. I have created the Sugar Module I am working in that. I have dashlet file for a REST call and in that, there is the function, So from that function whatever I return, That response always truncates the last 2 characters.

Initially I was thinking this is the issue from REST API, but for now I hardcoded the response but still, the issues are there.

Suppose I return "Hello World", Then I am getting the response "Hello Wor"

<?php  require_once('include/api/SugarApi.php');require_once 'include/SugarTheme/SidecarTheme.php';require_once('custom/clients/base/helper/SecurityHelper.php');class FreshDashletApi extends SugarApi{    public function registerApiRest()    {        return array(            'freshdeskdashlet' => array(                'reqType' => 'GET',                'path' => array('freshdeskdashlet'),                'pathVars' => array(''),                'method' => 'getFreshdeskDashlet',                'shortHelp' => '',                'longHelp' => '',            ),            'ticketfields' => array(                'reqType' => 'GET',                'path' => array('ticketfields'),                'pathVars' => array(''),                'method' => 'getCustomFields',                'shortHelp' => '',                'longHelp' => '',            ),        );    }     public function getFreshdeskDashlet($api, $args)    {        $data = array (            'ticket_json' =>                array (                    0 =>                        array (                            'associates_rdb' => NULL,                            'association_type' => NULL,                            'cc_email' =>                                array (                                    'cc_emails' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                    'fwd_emails' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                    'reply_cc' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                    'tkt_cc' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                ),                            'created_at' => '2019-02-05T15:06:30+05:30',                            'deleted' => false,                            'delta' => true,                            'description' => 'This is our test ticket for Sugar CRM Test',                            'description_html' => ' This is our test ticket for Sugar CRM Test ',                            'dirty' => 0,                            'display_id' => 22,                            'due_by' => '2019-02-08T15:06:30+05:30',                            'email_config_id' => NULL,                            'frDueBy' => '2019-02-06T15:06:30+05:30',                            'fr_escalated' => false,                            'group_id' => NULL,                            'id' => 42017573142,                            'internal_agent_id' => NULL,                            'internal_group_id' => NULL,                            'isescalated' => false,                            'owner_id' => NULL,                            'parent_ticket_id' => NULL,                            'priority' => 1,                            'requester_id' => 42008575970,                            'responder_id' => NULL,                            'sl_escalation_level' => NULL,                            'sl_manual_dueby' => NULL,                            'sl_merge_parent_ticket' => NULL,                            'sl_product_id' => NULL,                            'sl_skill_id' => NULL,                            'sl_sla_policy_id' => NULL,                            'sla_state' => 0,                            'source' => 3,                            'spam' => false,                            'st_survey_rating' => NULL,                            'status' => 2,                            'subject' => 'Sugar Test',                            'ticket_type' => 'Question',                            'to_email' => NULL,                            'trained' => false,                            'updated_at' => '2019-02-05T15:06:30+05:30',                            'urgent' => false,                            'status_name' => 'Open',                            'requester_status_name' => 'Being Processed',                            'priority_name' => 'Low',                            'source_name' => 'Phone',                            'requester_name' => 'Amol Rokade',                            'responder_name' => 'No Agent',                            'to_emails' => NULL,                            'product_id' => NULL,                            'custom_field' =>                                array (                                ),                        ),                ),            'domain' => '',            'credentials' => 'X2Y9CfvfdvseUUZvdfvfdvvfvf7e3Pud1tI',            'ssl' => 'http',            'ticket_fields' =>                array (                    'ticket_fields' =>                        array (                            'ticket_type' =>                                array (                                    'Question' => 'Question',                                    'Incident' => 'Incident',                                    'Problem' => 'Problem',                                    'Feature Request' => 'Feature Request',                                ),                            'ticket_status' =>                                array (                                    'Open' => 2,                                    'Pending' => 3,                                    'Resolved' => 4,                                    'Closed' => 5,                                    'Waiting on Customer' => 6,                                    'Waiting on Third Party' => 7,                                ),                            'ticket_priority' =>                                array (                                    'Low' => 1,                                    'Medium' => 2,                                    'High' => 3,                                    'Urgent' => 4,                                ),                            'ticket_group' =>                                array (                                    'Product Management' => 42000076370,                                    'QA' => 42000076371,                                    'Sales' => 42000076372,                                ),                            'agent' =>                                array (                                    'John Deo' => 42001642325,                                ),                        ),                ),            'email' => '',            'tickets' =>                array (                    0 =>                        array (                            'ticket_field' =>                                array (                                    'active' => true,                                    'column_name' => NULL,                                    'created_at' => '2018-05-02T10:07:06+05:30',                                    'default' => true,                                    'description' => 'Ticket status',                                    'editable_in_portal' => false,                                    'field_options' => NULL,                                    'field_type' => 'default_status',                                    'flexifield_coltype' => NULL,                                    'flexifield_def_entry_id' => NULL,                                    'id' => 42000265137,                                    'import_id' => NULL,                                    'label' => 'Status',                                    'label_in_portal' => 'Status',                                    'level' => NULL,                                    'name' => 'status',                                    'parent_id' => NULL,                                    'position' => 4,                                    'prefered_ff_col' => NULL,                                    'required' => true,                                    'required_for_closure' => false,                                    'required_in_portal' => false,                                    'ticket_form_id' => 42000023745,                                    'updated_at' => '2018-05-02T10:07:06+05:30',                                    'visible_in_portal' => true,                                    'choices' =>                                        array (                                            0 => 'Open',                                            1 => 'Pending',                                            2 => 'Resolved',                                            3 => 'Closed',                                            4 => 'Waiting on Customer',                                            5 => 'Waiting on Third Party',                                        ),                                    'nested_ticket_fields' =>                                        array (                                        ),                                ),                        ),                ),            'module' => 'Contact',        );        return $data;    }}

In The console, I am getting below error.

HttpError {request: HttpRequest, status: 200, responseText: "↵↵{"ticket_json":[{"associates_rdb":null,"associat"],"nested_ticket_fields":[]}}],"module":"Contact", textStatus: "parsererror", errorThrown: 

But unfortunately, I unable to find them from where it's exactly doing the JSON Parse and why only last 2 characters are get Truncated.

Any Help will be much appreciated.

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