Standard Dashboards & Reports

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In this series, you will learn more about the standard dashboards and reports available in Sugar Market.  We will review how to navigate to the dashboards and reports, and walk through the available data points of the following dashboards: Email Campaigns, Web / Social, Pages / Forms, Leads / Scoring, and Nurtures (NB 1.0).

Intended Audience:

  • New Sugar Market Users
  • Sugar Market Admin Users
  • Executives looking for a high level overview

This course includes the following lessons:

  • Part One: Email Campaigns Dashboards
  • Part Two: Web Social Dashboard
  • Part Three: Pages & Forms Dashboard
  • Part Four: Leads Scoring Dashboard
  • Part Five: Legacy Nurture Dashboard
  • Part Six: Standard Reports


About 20 minutes


Part 1- Email Dashboard

In this video, we will review Sugar Market's dashboard for single email campaigns. Join us to uncover insightful data analysis tips.

Part 2 - Web Social Dashboards

In this video, we will review Sugar Market's Web Social Dashboards, which display dashboards for the web tracking scripts you have created.

Part 3 - Pages and Forms Dashboard

In this video, we'll review the Sugar Market's Pages and Forms Dashboard where you can see the number of completed pages and forms within a selected time frame.

Part 4 - Lead Scoring Dashboard

In this video, we'll review the Lead Scoring Dashboard in Sugar Market. This dashboard displays the lead scoring progress. By clicking on any of the data points on the charts, you can easily view a detailed breakdown of the contacts that belong to each status category.

Part 5 - Legacy Nurture Dashboard

In this video, we will review the Legacy Nurture Dashboard in Sugar Market, which only references Nurture Builder 1.0 or Legacy Nurtures.

Part 6 - Standard Reports

In this video, we will explore the Standard Reports section and review the available predefined reports that come with Sugar Market.

Price: FREE

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