Sugar Mobile 31.0 is Live

SugarCRM is pleased to announce the release of version 31.0 of Sugar Mobile.

Review the Sugar Mobile for Android Release Notes 31.0 and Sugar Mobile for iOS Release Notes 31.0for more information about this release, including any feature enhancements and fixed issues. Admins should also review Get ready for user-configurable list views in Sugar Mobile for important configuration updates in this release.

To learn more about Sugar Mobile, please review the following:

All existing installations of Sugar Mobile will be upgraded through the phone or tablet’s native upgrade functionality. Alternatively, upgrades can be performed by searching for “Sugar Mobile” in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

To ensure you are up-to-date on the latest information about Sugar Mobile, please join the Sugar Mobile group in SugarClub or the other product-specific groups in Explore for additional updates.

  • A hidden feature slipped through without getting added to the release notes, but it is now added!

    • Always Offline mode: This new setting allows you to force Sugar Mobile to stay offline and queue all actions in the transaction log. This can be useful in areas with unreliable service to prevent failed sync attempts.

    Check out the updated Android and iOS release notes and also the Always Offline Mode section of the Android and iOS user guides for more details. Slight smile