Sugar Market 21.8 is now Available!

Feature Enhancements

The following features have been deployed in version 21.8 of Sugar Market:

  • Improved SugarCRM settings page: The SugarCRM Connector Settings page has been redesigned with an improved flow and more logical grouping of settings for enhanced usability. All existing customer settings have been maintained.

    Note: Prior to this release, a filter for CRMType = "Lead" or "Contact" in Post-Sync Cleanup Reports was recommended. This recommendation is now a requirement and the lists of available reports are filtered accordingly. Settings will be maintained for customers who have reports selected in the SugarCRM settings that do not meet the new requirement; however, you will be required to select a report that meets the new requirement when you make any changes to these settings.


Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in Sugar Market version 21.8:

  • Importing GEOs and Lists throw a 503 error. 
  • "Hot Leads by Score" standard report does not export. 
  • Form actions set to jump to a specific step in Nurture Builder 1.0 jump the participant to the start of the nurture instead. 
  • Three-column emails do not render as expected in Email Builder 2.0. 
  • Event actions do not consistently respect the user's time zone. 
  • Some form submission alerts are not sent. 


Sugar Market 21.8 Release Notes:


More information on the Sugar Market:

Sugar Market User Guide

Sugar Market Administration Guide

Sugar Market Integration Guide

Sugar Market Release Notes