Sugar Market 21.14 is now Available!

Feature Enhancements

The following features have been deployed in version 21.14 of Sugar Market:

  • Deleting pages: This release introduces the ability to delete pages that are in Draft or Unpublished status. [APP-2205] 
  • Social icon in contact journey: Oktopost form submissions now display a social icon on the Contact card to help distinguish them from standard form submissions. This change is not retroactive, so Oktopost form submissions made prior to this release will continue to show the standard form submission icon. Please refer to the Sugar Market User Guide for configuration instructions. [APP-4923]
  • Nurture processing: Performance enhancements have been implemented to improve nurture processing and mitigate publishing errors.
  • Updated SugarCRM Bundle: The Connector for SugarCRM has been updated to V1.3.3 for compatibility with SugarCRM V11.1.0. Please refer to the SugarCRM Integration Guide for instructions on upgrading the Sugar Market module. [CRM-624]
  • Compatibility with Sage 2021 R.1: Sugar Market is compatible with Sage 2021 R.1. There is no updated bundle and no action required for Sage customers.

Fixed Issues

The following issues reported to SugarCRM have been resolved in this version of Sugar Market. Case portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue: 

  • Some nurtures are stuck in un-publishing status in Nurture Builder 2.0 . 
  • The "Create Task in CRM" element label in Nurture Builder 2.0 cannot be changed from the default label.
  • Attempting to publish some nurtures puts them in error status.
  • Some emails are sent in duplicate from Nurture Builder 2.0 campaigns.  
  • Campaigns are not deploying for some customers. 
  • Publishing a legacy landing page from the Content tab results in error. 
  • Renaming pages in Page Builder with a name in excess of 100 characters prevents publishing. 
  • Account and Contact cards produce errors on page load after custom fields were deleted. 
  • File upload processing is delayed in EU instances.

The following additional issues have been resolved in this version:

  • The "Back to Login" link on the Forgot Password page does not display the correct cursor on hover over. [PLAT-4149]
  • The uploader graphic does not match the new branding. [APP-4961] 


Sugar Market 21.14 Release Notes:


More information on the Sugar Market:

Sugar Market User Guide

Sugar Market Integration Guide

Sugar Market Release Notes