View a field based on assigned to

Good morning,

I'm trying to have a field showing up only if it is assigned to a specific User Group.
However i can't find a way to do so since "Assigned to" is not available on a function or a parent relationship.

Any idea how to do so ?

Thanks for your help.

  • Hi  ,

    The 'Assinged to' relationship should be available for every module via the parent relationship structure when building a 'Visible If' formula. For some reason, the option appears much further down the list of relationships than other user relationships like 'Created By' and 'Modified By'. Here is where it is located when building a related formula from the Accounts module:

    If you're still not seeing it, you could try manually writing the formula to see if the formula builder accepts the standard syntax:

            "Group A",
            "Group B"


  • Hi  ,

    The 'Assinged to' relationship should be available for every module via the parent relationship structure when building a 'Visible If' formula. For some reason, the option appears much further down the list of relationships than other user relationships like 'Created By' and 'Modified By'. Here is where it is located when building a related formula from the Accounts module:

    If you're still not seeing it, you could try manually writing the formula to see if the formula builder accepts the standard syntax:

            "Group A",
            "Group B"

