Log in issues with our Sugar Portal

Hi all,

I have followed this guide https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Versions/12.0/Serve/Administration_Guide/Developer_Tools/Sugar_Portal/index.html and am having issues with allowing for a user to log into our portal.

I created an Gmail account for this test and then signed up as a new user. As I had the Process definition enabled, this emailed myself as the administrator to activate this user and it also emailed the Gmail account making them aware of the registration process.

As the administrator, I activated this user and enabled the portal active option on this users contact account.

Once all this was done, the test user proceeds to log in and gets an "invalid credentials" message. Even after resetting the password, this still does not work as the same message comes up..

Any ideas please as I am soon to be leaving the company who I am working for on this project and would like to resolve these issues.

Kind regards


  • Hi ,

    The first thing to verify is the process in which you activated the contact for portal access. You mentioned that you enabled the portal active option. Did you also specify a complete the portal name and password fields? Sugar allows the portal active box to be checked without completing those additional fields, so I want to be sure the other fields were completed before more extensive troubleshooting.

    If you did complete all 3 fields on the contact record, what happens if you use the 'Forgot Password' feature on the portal login screen? You should receive an email to your Gmail account with steps to reset your password, so I'm curious if that works as expected.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Chris,

    Thank you for your reply,  the username, portal company name and password were all complete.

    I also used the "forgot password" which sent an email to the Gmail account and followed the link and reset the password however still getting the same invalid credentials message. 

    I have also put this issue to Sugar who know my limited time and heard nothing back and they have also verified that the portal licences are there. I would really like to get this working before I leave the company.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Tim,

    Are you running your instance in SugarCloud or are you in a self-managed/third-party hosting environment? If it is the latter, do you have access to the PHP error logs to see if anything is reported when attempting authentication? If you are in SugarCloud, go to Admin > SugarCloud Insights > Request Error Log to generate a file with any PHP errors encountered in the last 24 hours.

    For either hosting option, please also go to Admin > System Settings > View Log > All and see if there are any errors reported in the application log corresponding with the times of your login attempts.

    Let me know if you find anything of relevance.


  • Hi Chris,

    We are running on SugarCloud as far as I know as we have to access the SugarCloud interface to set up new users.

    So from this I went into Admin->SugarCloud insights and all I get is "Access SugarCloud Insights" I did not want to select as I was unsure of any implications.

    I have also checked the Admin -> System Settings-> View Log->all and there is nothing there that is around this time and date. 


  • Hi Chris,

    We are running on SugarCloud as far as I know as we have to access the SugarCloud interface to set up new users.

    So from this I went into Admin->SugarCloud insights and all I get is "Access SugarCloud Insights" I did not want to select as I was unsure of any implications.

    I have also checked the Admin -> System Settings-> View Log->all and there is nothing there that is around this time and date. 


  • You can click the 'Access SugarCloud Insights'. It may prompt you for a login again which would just be the same credentials with which you log into Sugar.

  • Hi Chris,

    I have the error log from the SugarCloud insights - however the latest error does not match the time this message appeared. 

    This is one line from the error log:

     include(): Failed opening 'cache/modules/Calls/Callvardefs.php' for inclusion (include_path='/mnt/sugar/12.1.0/ent:/mnt/sugar/12.1.0/ent/vendor:.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /mnt/sugar/12.1.0/ent/include/SugarObjects/VardefManager.php on line 1136
