Make Shifts and Shift Exceptions Modules available in Studio and BPM

We have a requirement to create Shift Exceptions in a more automated manner from a custom module we have created. However there is no ability that we can see to create a relationship to that custom module in Studio for Shift Exceptions (or Shifts)

As part of this we want to use BPM to add a Related record in Shift Exceptions, however this is also not possible in BPM given that the BPM in question is based on the custom module.

We use Sugar On Demand Sell and Serve.

any ideas or can SugarCRM consider this as an idea ? 

  • Is it correct that the actual requirement is "to create Shift Exceptions in a more automated manner from custom module data"?

    If so, that one could be delivered with the Sugar platform configuring, perhaps, faster than a barista serves a cup of coffee - in case of being aware of how to correctly populate new Shifts and new Shifts Exceptions records with the data

    However, even if the field mapping for creating new records is unclear at the starting point, the one could be easily adjusted ... With coffee :)

    Have you tried to configure the required solution with Logic Builder?
    If not yet, let me help you

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Is it correct that the actual requirement is "to create Shift Exceptions in a more automated manner from custom module data"?

    If so, that one could be delivered with the Sugar platform configuring, perhaps, faster than a barista serves a cup of coffee - in case of being aware of how to correctly populate new Shifts and new Shifts Exceptions records with the data

    However, even if the field mapping for creating new records is unclear at the starting point, the one could be easily adjusted ... With coffee :)

    Have you tried to configure the required solution with Logic Builder?
    If not yet, let me help you

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient
