DMARC Policy, One-Click Unsub, & ARC Headers - Google/Yahoo's New Email Authentication Requirements

Good Day,

Just recently caught up on the new Yahoo/Google authentication requirements that come into place in Feb 2024. I have a few questions and comments to share with the community,

1) I think most Sugar Market users cover the SPF and DKIM requirements during initial implementation. So, these shouldn't be net new requirements we need to worry about. Agree/disagree?

2) Does Sugar have any implementation content that addresses DMARC Policy Setup, One-Click Unsub, or ARC Headers?

3) One-Click Unsubscribe: Anyone else shifting to a one-click unsub? I noticed the articles I read all mention that this needs to be a 'button'. Curious if people are going to keep using hyperlinks for unsubs or shift to a button.

4) ARC Headers: This seems like a pretty niche requirement to me, so I'm not sure we need to do it. Should only apply if your emails are often being forwarded, but our Sugar Market metrics indicate this is not common. Curious if anyone thinks this is more important than I do.

5) Google's new policy mentions that spam rate needs to be < 0.3%. I know we occasionally spike above this in Google Postmaster Tools. Anyone have any insight on whether single days with higher spam rates will be negatively affected by this policy?

I'm sure I'll think of more!

  • Hi  

    I hope you're well. 

    Following on from Ed's questions, with February 2024 fast approaching, are you able to provide an update on how the research is going into the one-click unsubscribe and having this functionality as a feature within Sugar Market?

    From what I've read, the new requirements are targeted at high-volume senders (say over 5,000 emails a day) which we don't do. However, we'd prefer to not ignore the requirements and follow them. The workaround solution to build out nurtures is something I'll test but unsure of the efficiencies given the number of different campaigns we send each month. 

    Greatly appreciate any further advice.

    Many thanks,


  • Hi  

    I hope you're well. 

    Following on from Ed's questions, with February 2024 fast approaching, are you able to provide an update on how the research is going into the one-click unsubscribe and having this functionality as a feature within Sugar Market?

    From what I've read, the new requirements are targeted at high-volume senders (say over 5,000 emails a day) which we don't do. However, we'd prefer to not ignore the requirements and follow them. The workaround solution to build out nurtures is something I'll test but unsure of the efficiencies given the number of different campaigns we send each month. 

    Greatly appreciate any further advice.

    Many thanks,


  • Hi Therese!

    I'm doing well, thank you! I hope all has been great with you since our last chat. I agree that many of these new requirements are targeted at higher volume senders, but it's always wise to err on the side of caution and apply these measures as a good rule of thumb.

    Regarding the one-click unsubscribe feature, our product team is actively working on determining the best implementation. I don't have any further updates at this time, but as soon as we do, we'll communicate it to our customers.


    Michael North

    Sr. Manager, Technical Support