CRM to Market sync of contacts/leads


When I delete a contact in my SugarCRM, why does it not disappear in Market?

Do I manually need to remove the record from Market? 

  • Hi Alexandra,

    Do you currently have your pull settings in the admin panel set up to pull contacts and leads? 

    If so, can you take a look in the Administrative View-> SugarCRM Settings and check that your sync is up to date? If it is not up to date (has not updated in the last 15-30 minutes) for the "Last Sync Date for Contacts" and "Last Sync Date for Leads" this would be the reason why it is not updating and you would need to contact

    hope this helps. 

  • Hey! 

    Yes i have both pull and push status activated. My sync says that it should work as it should according to status. My customer has had quite a lot of problems with the sync between the systems. We have encountered problems regarding the sync  I will contact the support team, thank you!

  • Hi ,

    A little bit on how our sync works is during the sync cycle we look for every record that has been modified within the last successful sync and the current timestamp (20-30 minutes). We take those records then sync them down, update our timestamps and move on. 

    When a record gets deleted there's no indication to us that it's gone because there's no modified date for us to reference so we actually don't naturally know when a record gets deleted from your CRM during that pull cycle. However, we have a feature that solves specifically that called Recycle Bin. When this option is enabled we track and log all records that are deleted in the CRM (by ID) and then reconcile those records in Sugar Market (delete them).

    The option is towards the bottom of the page Bailey had mentioned (Administration View > SugarCRM Settings > Database Integrity > Recycle Bin. 

    Here it's referenced in our Push Settings document for a bit more information.

    I checked your account and don't see this option enabled. The good news is as long as our Sugar Market bundle has been installed in your instance we have been logging the deleted records so once you enable this option I would give it a few sync cycles and we should retroactively delete those records previously along with records deleted going forward.

    Of course, if you run into any issues or not seeing these results then support would be a good place to research and test but hopefully this should do the trick for ya!