Mark important information and forward automatically to the people concerned

What is the best way to deal with this scenario in Sugar?
Many meeting or telephone reports contain information that is not only important for the sales department but also for colleagues in product development.
How can this information be (simply) marked accordingly and colleagues automatically made aware of it?
Is there a suitable way to do this? A plugin?
I think this is a very important use case - currently this is very cumbersome and is hardly ever done by the colleagues who write the reports - so a lot of important information is lost.
I'm looking forward to your ideas!

  • Hi ,

    I addressed this in multiple modules using a checkbox, email template, and a BPM.  The checkboxes have different labels (Notify Engineering, Notify Sales Rep, Notify Manager, etc.), the email template includes the fields that are needed, and the process is a simple Start - Send Message.

    The same need could be satisfied with a standard Sugar alert process putting it on a dashboard, but we chose to use emails.  You could also include a process to follow-up, escalate the notice, etc.

    I also have multiple alerts triggered by processes based on the value in various fields.  Things like a Returned Goods Authorization that is over a Cretan amount, missing information in various classification fields, value mismatches (coding in fields that is not consistent with other fields), etc.

    One additional thought for consideration... You mention alerting Product Development, and we had a desire to capture lost sales opportunities when associated with a calls.  A checkbox in the Calls Module labeled "Lost Sale" triggers a process that creates a new record in a custom module called "Lost Sales".  Reports are generated to summarize that data.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Hi ,

    I addressed this in multiple modules using a checkbox, email template, and a BPM.  The checkboxes have different labels (Notify Engineering, Notify Sales Rep, Notify Manager, etc.), the email template includes the fields that are needed, and the process is a simple Start - Send Message.

    The same need could be satisfied with a standard Sugar alert process putting it on a dashboard, but we chose to use emails.  You could also include a process to follow-up, escalate the notice, etc.

    I also have multiple alerts triggered by processes based on the value in various fields.  Things like a Returned Goods Authorization that is over a Cretan amount, missing information in various classification fields, value mismatches (coding in fields that is not consistent with other fields), etc.

    One additional thought for consideration... You mention alerting Product Development, and we had a desire to capture lost sales opportunities when associated with a calls.  A checkbox in the Calls Module labeled "Lost Sale" triggers a process that creates a new record in a custom module called "Lost Sales".  Reports are generated to summarize that data.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)
