
I want to make a BPM that when a field is checked it will reassign "assigned to" to match the specialist field.  So Status equals.......checks for who the specialist is then changes the assigned to field, sends email then ends.

Can I change the assigned to this way?

  • Hi Michelle,

    The short answer is "yes".  I do a similar thing with Contacts and Accounts.  I created a "Business Rule" (because I use the same logic for different processes in the same module and I didn't want to code the BPM twice).

    My Business Rule basically looks at the value of a field, and returns the value for the field I want to change.  Simplistically:

    If Code = xxx  return  "Assigned to" abcdefg

    The Business Rule is triggered to change the Assigned To (and in some cases other things happen in the process) and the end point of the process is to send an email to the assigned person.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Hi Michelle,

    The short answer is "yes".  I do a similar thing with Contacts and Accounts.  I created a "Business Rule" (because I use the same logic for different processes in the same module and I didn't want to code the BPM twice).

    My Business Rule basically looks at the value of a field, and returns the value for the field I want to change.  Simplistically:

    If Code = xxx  return  "Assigned to" abcdefg

    The Business Rule is triggered to change the Assigned To (and in some cases other things happen in the process) and the end point of the process is to send an email to the assigned person.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)
