Calculating the numbers of days a field has a specific content


I'm ask to add a field that indicates how many days another field (Status) has a specific selection ('New' => 'WIP' => 'Completed').

Is there a way to implement this without 'programming' ?

Thanks for your advice,


Parents Reply
  • Hi André,
    That solution from last year works as charme since then.

    Now I have a slightly different version of that question.

    We have a custom text field 'Next Step' which our sales should regularly update. I'm ask to put a custom numeric field next to it, to show how many days ago this Next Step was updated.
    Is there an easy way to achieve this ?
    I was thinking about storing the actual text content and check each day via a BPM timer if it has changed. If not , counter goes up by 1, if it did, counter is reset to zero. Only thing is : how can I create this in BPM...



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