Calculating the numbers of days a field has a specific content


I'm ask to add a field that indicates how many days another field (Status) has a specific selection ('New' => 'WIP' => 'Completed').

Is there a way to implement this without 'programming' ?

Thanks for your advice,


Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks André for the incredible quick response ;-)

    Do I need to worry about this prerequisite on top of the article you referenced ? 

    • In the SugarBPM settings, there is a setting called "Error Number of Cycles" that specifies how many times a process can loop before the system stops the process definition. By default, this is set to 10. As we are counting days, this number should be increased to allow the process to run for more than ten days. Please note that in some circumstances, increasing the number of cycles could negatively affect performance.

    In our business we have sales cycles that can run over months , years...?

    Thanks again 
