
Good Afternoon Sugar Friends,

Want to capture information in the cleanest way possible without having any loose ends or extraneous fields out there. There should be a requirement to fill each one of the areas if the preceding area was completed.

High level process for opportunity flow:

  1. Sales rep enters Opp 
  2. Pricing Team prices the opportunity
  3. Customer Awards business and pricing team captures what we've been promised

Our opportunities are comprised of potentially many different services.

For each mode we want to capture:

 Sales info: 

  • Estimated Lane Count (integer)
  • Estimated Volume (integer)
  • Estimated Revenue (currency)
  • Estimated Margin (currency)

 Pricing Info

  • Priced Lanes
  • Priced Volume
  • Expected RFP Revenue (currency)
  • Expected RFP Margin (currency)


 And then finally (hopefully) Award Info:

  • Award Type (drop down)
  • Awarded Lanes (integer)
  • Awarded Volume (integer)
  • Awarded Revenue (currency)
  • Awarded Margin(currency)


Anything savvier out there than a bunch of dependent variable fields (If I choose service a, then 4 fields appear on the screen.)

Looking forward to hearing from the group - thanks! 

  • Hello Annie,

     proposed solution does seem to match your business scenario involving BPM Forms.

    I'd like to introduce an alternative approach that can either supplement BPM Forms or potentially serve as a complete replacement, depending on what best suits your users' needs. 

    My initial consideration is the storage of the "Opportunity Flow Stage" at the Opportunity level, utilizing a Dropdown Field.

    To initiate this, I recommend establishing a Dropdown field featuring the following options:

    1. Sales
    2. Pricing
    3. Awards

    This approach ensures that the "Opportunity Flow Stage" is captured and can be used in GUI, reports or to trigger any necessary logic.

    Once you have this dropdown, you can leverage Dropdown Dependent Record views to show the users only the pertinent fields for each stage. You could either remove what you don’t need or move fields to other tabs for consultation:

    You can also leverage the new field set to required fields for each phase, or set specific fields as read-only as you see fit. 
    This can be done either via Studio Required If formulas or via SetRequired dependency if it makes it easier to manage due to the number of fields. 

    To facilitate the progress of Opportunities forward you can consider Action Buttons that will work as submissions for the new stage: 

    Following on what Julia already shared, Using BPM you can trigger assignments depending on the stage or any other parameters should you need to do so. 

    Let me know if this helps. 


  • Hello Annie,

     proposed solution does seem to match your business scenario involving BPM Forms.

    I'd like to introduce an alternative approach that can either supplement BPM Forms or potentially serve as a complete replacement, depending on what best suits your users' needs. 

    My initial consideration is the storage of the "Opportunity Flow Stage" at the Opportunity level, utilizing a Dropdown Field.

    To initiate this, I recommend establishing a Dropdown field featuring the following options:

    1. Sales
    2. Pricing
    3. Awards

    This approach ensures that the "Opportunity Flow Stage" is captured and can be used in GUI, reports or to trigger any necessary logic.

    Once you have this dropdown, you can leverage Dropdown Dependent Record views to show the users only the pertinent fields for each stage. You could either remove what you don’t need or move fields to other tabs for consultation:

    You can also leverage the new field set to required fields for each phase, or set specific fields as read-only as you see fit. 
    This can be done either via Studio Required If formulas or via SetRequired dependency if it makes it easier to manage due to the number of fields. 

    To facilitate the progress of Opportunities forward you can consider Action Buttons that will work as submissions for the new stage: 

    Following on what Julia already shared, Using BPM you can trigger assignments depending on the stage or any other parameters should you need to do so. 

    Let me know if this helps. 


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