
Good Afternoon Sugar Friends,

Want to capture information in the cleanest way possible without having any loose ends or extraneous fields out there. There should be a requirement to fill each one of the areas if the preceding area was completed.

High level process for opportunity flow:

  1. Sales rep enters Opp 
  2. Pricing Team prices the opportunity
  3. Customer Awards business and pricing team captures what we've been promised

Our opportunities are comprised of potentially many different services.

For each mode we want to capture:

 Sales info: 

  • Estimated Lane Count (integer)
  • Estimated Volume (integer)
  • Estimated Revenue (currency)
  • Estimated Margin (currency)

 Pricing Info

  • Priced Lanes
  • Priced Volume
  • Expected RFP Revenue (currency)
  • Expected RFP Margin (currency)


 And then finally (hopefully) Award Info:

  • Award Type (drop down)
  • Awarded Lanes (integer)
  • Awarded Volume (integer)
  • Awarded Revenue (currency)
  • Awarded Margin(currency)


Anything savvier out there than a bunch of dependent variable fields (If I choose service a, then 4 fields appear on the screen.)

Looking forward to hearing from the group - thanks! 

  • Hi  ,

    You might want to look into Sugar BPM here, especially the Form Activities, and combine them with a good layout for your purpose, at least that was my first thought upon reading. 

    What these will do is route a record from one user or team to another, and you can set specific fields that each team/user has to fill out when it's their turn. You can also lock fields that a team or user shouldn't be able to update as long as the record is in that specific step of the process.

    So, in your case, you would define the fields as required that the Sales rep has to fill out to create the opportunity in the first place, and prevent them either via Roles or via Read Only-formulas in Studio from editing all the other fields they are not supposed to edit. Then you would direct the record with a Form Activity to your pricing team, and lock all the Awarded fields for them as well as set the Pricing Info fields as required for them (directly in that Form Activity), so that they can't route the process further otherwise. After that you would put another Form Activity, now routing the record to the Awards team and making them fill the fields they have to fill and then (hopefully) end the process with a complete opportunity. You can also set time limits for the specific activities and notify people if those limits are exceeded or based on other criteria.

    Hope this helps!


    Julia Weinhold

  • Hi  ,

    You might want to look into Sugar BPM here, especially the Form Activities, and combine them with a good layout for your purpose, at least that was my first thought upon reading. 

    What these will do is route a record from one user or team to another, and you can set specific fields that each team/user has to fill out when it's their turn. You can also lock fields that a team or user shouldn't be able to update as long as the record is in that specific step of the process.

    So, in your case, you would define the fields as required that the Sales rep has to fill out to create the opportunity in the first place, and prevent them either via Roles or via Read Only-formulas in Studio from editing all the other fields they are not supposed to edit. Then you would direct the record with a Form Activity to your pricing team, and lock all the Awarded fields for them as well as set the Pricing Info fields as required for them (directly in that Form Activity), so that they can't route the process further otherwise. After that you would put another Form Activity, now routing the record to the Awards team and making them fill the fields they have to fill and then (hopefully) end the process with a complete opportunity. You can also set time limits for the specific activities and notify people if those limits are exceeded or based on other criteria.

    Hope this helps!


    Julia Weinhold

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