SugarBPM and performance, best way to reduce the amounts of saves on a module?

Hello there,

I am working with a customer on one of my own specialties, SugarCRM performance improvements.

Sugar always said: "Consolidate BPMs, it's better for performance", so let's do that!

I have two questions here:

  1. First of all, are there public resources on the latest best practices to improve the performance of SugarBPM processes?

  2. The second question is most likely about a misconception I had, and it is more involved.

    I was under the impression that if we have 2 simple processes, changing a field within the same module/record, it would equate to 2 more saves. Simple, expected. But what about consolidating them?

    What I didn't expect is, that after consolidating the 2 simple processes in various ways (the actions on field changes need to be separate as they have different conditions), and creating a before save logic hook that logs a log entry to confirm how many saves happen, the record still saves 2 more times when both actions trigger.

    So finally we have the question: Are there any ways to complete all save actions within a process, in a single backend sugar save call, or that's not possible?

Thank you in advance for your guidance

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