SugarBPM and performance, best way to reduce the amounts of saves on a module?

Hello there,

I am working with a customer on one of my own specialties, SugarCRM performance improvements.

Sugar always said: "Consolidate BPMs, it's better for performance", so let's do that!

I have two questions here:

  1. First of all, are there public resources on the latest best practices to improve the performance of SugarBPM processes?

  2. The second question is most likely about a misconception I had, and it is more involved.

    I was under the impression that if we have 2 simple processes, changing a field within the same module/record, it would equate to 2 more saves. Simple, expected. But what about consolidating them?

    What I didn't expect is, that after consolidating the 2 simple processes in various ways (the actions on field changes need to be separate as they have different conditions), and creating a before save logic hook that logs a log entry to confirm how many saves happen, the record still saves 2 more times when both actions trigger.

    So finally we have the question: Are there any ways to complete all save actions within a process, in a single backend sugar save call, or that's not possible?

Thank you in advance for your guidance

  • Hi Enrico, I can't help you with #2, but we do have an idea submitted to document some general SugarBPM best practices in the documentation. It is idea # 92535, and if you submit a case with your request for this type of content and share that idea number, it would help us gauge interest.

    If you can give examples in the case of the types of things you'd find valuable, especially if you have any wisdom of your own to share, that would help guide the content.

    Hopefully someone will have some idea for your other question!


  • Hi Enrico, I can't help you with #2, but we do have an idea submitted to document some general SugarBPM best practices in the documentation. It is idea # 92535, and if you submit a case with your request for this type of content and share that idea number, it would help us gauge interest.

    If you can give examples in the case of the types of things you'd find valuable, especially if you have any wisdom of your own to share, that would help guide the content.

    Hopefully someone will have some idea for your other question!

