I am attempting to upgrade our Sugar Instance to the latest version. I already have all needed packages, upgrade paths, etc. Switching php, mysql versions in between won't be a big deal.
That said, I've run into issues with the very 1st upgrade.
Whenever I run the upgrade tool it fails in "post upgrade"
PHP Fatal error: Class FreeTDSManager contains 5 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (DBManager::freeDbResult, DBManager::getFieldsArray, DBManager::fetchRow, ...) in /var/www/sites/sugar/web/include/database/FreeTDSManager.php on line 22\n', referer: https://mysugarinstance/UpgradeWizard.php
I saw a problem with this same file in another issue as well:
Issue when upgrading from to causes DBManagerFactory errors in post steps
We are running: (these are correct supported versions according to sugar docs from that time):
- PHP 5.6.40
- MySQL 5.6.40
So it doesn't seem like the MySQL version should be the issue, but maybe I'm missing something.