How can I tell the original Module a cloned module was based on?

We had a vendor that created multiple 'customed' modules by cloning the original modules like Accounts, Contacts, etc. Now we want to know how can we tell which was the original module that 'customed' module was based off. 

  • Hi ,

    There is no direct way to clone one of the original modules in Sugar. The vendor more likely created modules through module builder using one of the templates (e.g. person, basic, company, etc.). If they did use a module builder template, you would be able to see what template they used by going to the following file path in your Sugar directory:

    ./modules/<module name>/<module name>_sugar.php

    In that file, you should see something like the following near the top:

    require_once 'include/SugarObjects/templates/{template type}/{template type}.php';

    The different template types are:

    • basic
    • company (i.e. Accounts)
    • file (i.e. Documents)
    • issue (i.e. Cases)
    • person (i.e. Contacts)
    • sale (i.e. Opportunities)


  • Hi ,

    There is no direct way to clone one of the original modules in Sugar. The vendor more likely created modules through module builder using one of the templates (e.g. person, basic, company, etc.). If they did use a module builder template, you would be able to see what template they used by going to the following file path in your Sugar directory:

    ./modules/<module name>/<module name>_sugar.php

    In that file, you should see something like the following near the top:

    require_once 'include/SugarObjects/templates/{template type}/{template type}.php';

    The different template types are:

    • basic
    • company (i.e. Accounts)
    • file (i.e. Documents)
    • issue (i.e. Cases)
    • person (i.e. Contacts)
    • sale (i.e. Opportunities)


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