Reports - based on Last Week?

Hi Team,

I need to run a number of reports every Tuesday for activity the previous week.  When defining the filters, there is no Last Week option.  How can I run the report based on the previous week (Sun - Sat or Mon - Sun)? 

I don't want to use Last 7 Days, because then I miss out on last Monday and incorrectly include yesterday.  

I also don't want to use Last # Days (where # = 8), because this would incorrectly include yesterday.

I really appreciate any assistance you can give on this.


  • I agree with this and have just asked our partners to request this with Sugar 'Last Week',  'This week' and 'Next week'.  Some of our KPIs are weekly and agree none of the other #days are of any use.

    One option offered was to use a monthly filter and group by weeks but doesn't have the same impact as Last, This & Next Week.

    Please add these filter options Sugar, I'm sure its not a big piece of work but a massive improvement for the users!!

  • I agree with this and have just asked our partners to request this with Sugar 'Last Week',  'This week' and 'Next week'.  Some of our KPIs are weekly and agree none of the other #days are of any use.

    One option offered was to use a monthly filter and group by weeks but doesn't have the same impact as Last, This & Next Week.

    Please add these filter options Sugar, I'm sure its not a big piece of work but a massive improvement for the users!!

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