Process definition

Hi everyone,

We have a problem with an easy process definition, however the option we need does not seem to be there when entering the criteria for the process trigger. The trigger has to be when the last modification date does not change in 1 month. However I can't find the right criteria to make the process work.

I hope you can help us with this. :)

Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    As mentions, the solution to achieve this in SugarBPM is not pretty. There are a few additional things to consider. Using wait timers of such a long duration can introduce performance issues. If you have 1000s of records being modified in the module in a 30-day timeframe, I strongly recommend looking into a more performant option like a custom scheduler. 

    Also, be aware of other things that can change the date modified of the record other than user interactions. If you have any Sugar Logic formulas in this module that pull data from related modules, the date modified will update each time one of the relate module records is updated. Additionally, if you have other SugarBPM processes, those can cause the date modified value to update if they make any changes to the record.

