Custom Field Search

Is there a way of all users being able to search a created field?  This field is a unique Company Registration Number from UK Companies House.  We need to be able to track if this is already logged within Sugar to avoid duplication.  

I'm loath to play with the coding as this is not my forte.  I'm hoping there's a simple thing to do that I have missed.   All users are globally visible 



  • You can add your field to global search and add your field to the search for the module.

    with the global search, any user will be able to search for the value using the global search box at the top of the browser window, or via global search in the mobile app.

    After you add the field to global search, you will need to tell the search engine to reindex the Module, so that it reads the field.

    You can also ask a developer to add the field to the duplication rules. If a user where to enter a duplicate value, the user will be prompted that it is a duplicate.

  • You can add your field to global search and add your field to the search for the module.

    with the global search, any user will be able to search for the value using the global search box at the top of the browser window, or via global search in the mobile app.

    After you add the field to global search, you will need to tell the search engine to reindex the Module, so that it reads the field.

    You can also ask a developer to add the field to the duplication rules. If a user where to enter a duplicate value, the user will be prompted that it is a duplicate.

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