How to reduce the size of the File System

We're in the On-Demand environment and the Sugar Insights shows our File system Size is 90% of the allocation and the Database size is 61% of the allocation.

The Database size has been reduced in recent months because of our clean-up project (deleting very old and no longer useful records).  The File System size continues to grow.

What can be done to reduce the size of the File System?

  • Hi ,

    I am excited to share that we now have an add-on for one of our most popular plug-ins, Upsert Deduplicate, to address this exact need! The new File Deduplication add-on scans common and custom modules in Sugar to identify what duplicate files exist and, either manually or automatically, consolidates the storage to a single file while retaining all the original Sugar records referencing that file. For customers who archive a lot of email to their CRM, this add-on is a must-have for keeping your expenses on cloud storage to a minimum.

    The add-on also provides analytics to provide you insight on how much space you have saved with the plug-in, how much you can save, and what the most duplicated files are in your system.

    In our tests with a customer who moderately archives email to Sugar, our File Deduplication add-on was able to reduce 20+% in data storage and 65+% in number of files on disk. 

    If you'd like to learn more about the plug-in and the File Deduplication add-on, please reach out via our website for a demo or trial!


  • This looks great!
    Do you have mechanisms to deal with synced records (pre-sync key) and to consolidate related records under one parent (e.g. duplicate contacts each with its own Quotes, Opportunities etc)


  • Hi ,

    Upsert Deduplicates provides a powerful engine for being able to detect potential duplicates and also gives you the ability to configure how relationships are managed, retained, or ignored when merging. When you create deduplication checks for a module, you define any number of match conditions and optional filters to fine tune and identify the duplicates you need to clean up. 


    Our other recently released add-on allows for you to perform cross-module duplication checks to give you even more control over your business's data hygiene.


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