Relationship field won't update when importing


Thank you in advance !

I',m importing into a module with 3 relationship fields, 2 of the 3 fields are fine, 1 field doesn't update at all. I've double checked the ID's and they are correct. 

Is there an obvious error I'm missing or could there be an issue with the field?

Many thanks


  • Hi Jaymie,

    If two are working and the third one is not working means there might be something wrong. The third field on what you are trying to import is what kind of relationship it is. Is it one to many or many to many? On what module you are trying? Are you working on Stock modules if yes, can you just mention the module names? So I can see if I can help to resolve your issue.

    Thanks and Regards,


    Senior Solution Engineer.

  • Hi Jaymie,

    If two are working and the third one is not working means there might be something wrong. The third field on what you are trying to import is what kind of relationship it is. Is it one to many or many to many? On what module you are trying? Are you working on Stock modules if yes, can you just mention the module names? So I can see if I can help to resolve your issue.

    Thanks and Regards,


    Senior Solution Engineer.

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