Grand total on Quote duplicate

Hi SugarClub;  When I run my Quote PDF from an active Quote I cannot title my first Group.  How can I title the first group?

  • Hi Bobby,

    Thank you for posting this question.

    The first or default group in a quote is not namable in the application. If your users do not put any products in that first group, then the first group will not show up in PDF templates. When I make quotes, I treat this default group as "ungrouped products," and I create a new group if I want grouped products.

    I have filed Idea 91605 for this, which can be viewed in our support portal by anyone with login access to it at this link:

    I hope this is helpful. Kindly let us know if you have any further questions.
    Thank you.

    Patrick McQueen
    Director, SugarCRM Support

  • Hi Bobby,

    Thank you for posting this question.

    The first or default group in a quote is not namable in the application. If your users do not put any products in that first group, then the first group will not show up in PDF templates. When I make quotes, I treat this default group as "ungrouped products," and I create a new group if I want grouped products.

    I have filed Idea 91605 for this, which can be viewed in our support portal by anyone with login access to it at this link:

    I hope this is helpful. Kindly let us know if you have any further questions.
    Thank you.

    Patrick McQueen
    Director, SugarCRM Support

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