Creating a logic hook to update the 'assigned_to' field to current_user


When copying and saving a quote, the products show the assigned to as the original user and not the user that copied the quote.

I'm new to Sugar CRM and am trying to create a logic hook to update the assigned_to field to the current user for each product line in a quote when saving the record.

This is my attempt but did not work, any suggestions would be welcome.

Thank You,


$dependencies['products']['populate_assigned_user'] = array(
'hooks' => array("edit"), //not including save so that the value isn't stored in the DB
'trigger' => 'greaterThan(strlen(related($quotes,"assigned_user_name")),0)', //Optional, the trigger for the dependency. Defaults to 'true'.
'onload' => 'true', //Whether or not to trigger the dependencies when the page is loaded
'actions' => array(
'name' => 'SetValue',
'params' => array(
'target' => 'assigned_user_id',
'value' => 'related($quotes,"assigned_user_id")'

'name' => 'SetValue',
'params' => array(
'target' => 'assigned_user_name',
'value' => 'related($quotes,"assigned_user_name")'


Parents Reply
  • From the code previously provided

    $dependencies['Products']['populate_assigned_user'] = array(
        'hooks' => ['all'],
        'trigger' => 'greaterThan(strlen(related($quotes,"assigned_user_name")),0)', 
        'onload' => 'true', 
        'actions' => array(
                    'name' => 'SetValue',
                    'params' => array(
                        'target' => 'assigned_user_id',
                        'value' => 'related($quotes,"modified_user_id")'
                    'name' => 'SetValue',
                    'params' => array(
                        'target' => 'assigned_user_name',
                        'value' => 'related($quotes,"modified_by_name")'

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
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