PDF Manager and templates support

Hello! I inherited Sugar from a previous administrator who deleted all templates in the PDF Manager. HTML coding is not my forte and I have been struggling. I am looking for a quotation template. Can anyone help me? 

  • In addition to answer, if your instance is OnSite, here are some comments:

    When records get deleted from CRM they are soft deleted, that means, the boolean field "deleted" is updated to 1. The soft deleted records become hard deleted when Scheduled Job "Prune Database on 1st of Month" is executed. That said, there is a chance that the PDF templates are not fully deleted at all.

    Anyway, a Quotation template can be fetched from a fresh install of any SugarCRM instance.

    If you need something customizable so you would need a word/html template which can be configured as a PDF Template. Depending upon the requirements/quotation template, it may be fully implemented thru PDF Manager or it "maybe" requires a custom PDF class. Several customers like to have a well customizable PDF template.

    We can build pretty quickly a PDF template if you are happy about that and if you have the mockup. Feel free to contact me.

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • In addition to answer, if your instance is OnSite, here are some comments:

    When records get deleted from CRM they are soft deleted, that means, the boolean field "deleted" is updated to 1. The soft deleted records become hard deleted when Scheduled Job "Prune Database on 1st of Month" is executed. That said, there is a chance that the PDF templates are not fully deleted at all.

    Anyway, a Quotation template can be fetched from a fresh install of any SugarCRM instance.

    If you need something customizable so you would need a word/html template which can be configured as a PDF Template. Depending upon the requirements/quotation template, it may be fully implemented thru PDF Manager or it "maybe" requires a custom PDF class. Several customers like to have a well customizable PDF template.

    We can build pretty quickly a PDF template if you are happy about that and if you have the mockup. Feel free to contact me.

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
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