Warning: OPI and 11.3 Upgrade

Just a warning. If you, or your clients, use the Outlook Plug In (OPI) and are upgraded to 11.3, you/they may have problems.

We use OPI and after the upgrade we are prompted to login about once an hour. Sometimes it has required us to disable the plug in, close Outlook, open Outlook, re-enable to the plug in.

Suffice it to say we are pretty frustrated.

I guess because Sugar would rather us all go to Connect (I have tested twice and it has not been great), OPI is not as important.

Sugar Support had this to say:

Your CRM site, was recently updated to 11.3, which may be causing issues with OPI. The Sugar Outlook Plugin (OPI) has not received any updates yet to ensure it's compatibility with 11.3 or newer so it could very well be a new issue that has surfaced because if this recent update. Try running a Quick Repair and Rebuild on the CRM side, to see if this helps, but I suspect it may be only temporary if it does.

The dev team is aware that OPI needs to be updated and are working on this at the moment, including updating to account for newer releases of Office updates. I do not have an ETA yet, but can say the defect below is in QA stage at the moment so it shouldn't be much longer.

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