500 Server Error on Login

Hello everyone,

   I am new to Sugar Administration (and web servers in a broader sense) and am in the process of working through various errors and issues in our Production and Sandbox environments. Currently, the most pressing one is the 500 server error I am receiving in our Sandbox on the splash screen which is preventing any usage of the system. I have attached images of the problematic header and response preview.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Parents Reply
  • Thank you very much for all your help, Avi. As well as everyone else.

    I had changed all those values at the Cloning document recommended. My final issue was due to me having fully deleted the cache file, which was causing some metadata related 500 errors. 

    After dropping a fresh copy of the Prod cache into the Sandbox I was able to get in far enough to run the Quick Rebuild and Repair, which fixed a number of issues.

    I am currently ensuring that my file structure's permissions are set correctly, and should be able to slowly work through any more smaller errors until I have a pretty good 1:1 representation.

    Thanks again!!

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