I have created a Rows and Column report and use the field Price which shows what currency it is. I would the exported report not to show the currency before the amount. Can I set this up somewhere?
e.g. SEK3000 should be only 3000
I have created a Rows and Column report and use the field Price which shows what currency it is. I would the exported report not to show the currency before the amount. Can I set this up somewhere?
e.g. SEK3000 should be only 3000
Hello Sofia,
To avoid code development to report's CSV-export I would suggest adding a calculated string field via no-code tool Studio and use that text filed in the report instead of the regular currency-type filed
like this
to get this:
end export it as CSV
Best Regards,
Dmytro Chupylka
We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient
Let me evolve a bit the suggestion from Dmytro Chupylka. Create a float field instead. As a string field certainly the report will mess up such a column on ordering by its, once it will order as a string instead of a number.
Hi there,
To make this solution complete (we know now how to extract the numeric value, thanks for that), what would be the best way to extract the currency indicator ? (SEK, AUD, $, ...) and why is the US Dollar not represented by USD instead of $ ?
So as to split the original SEK51,45 into SEK and 51,45...
Bye now
the formula is:
It pulls the name of the currency record (you've set up in admin area) instead of the symbol :-)
Björn Canales Pfisterer
Technical Support Manager
provalida GmbH
support ( at ) provalida.de
the iso4217 indicator could be retrieved with formula
Best Regards,
Dmytro Chupylka
We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient
good point. On my instance the records having the indicator as the name but this is more precise :-)
Björn Canales Pfisterer
Technical Support Manager
provalida GmbH
support ( at ) provalida.de