SugarCRM 10.0.3 Nginx Support?

I have followed the KB article for installing Enterprise;

I got through the installation fine, but when attempting to load a page all I get is the Loading... box.

Ubuntu 20.04

Mysql 5.7

PHP 7.3

Nginx 1.18

Parents Reply Children
  • .htaccess

    Make sure attribute RewriteBase points to correct path, that means, if sugar url is configured as a domain/subdomain so such an attribute must has a single "/" as the value, otherwise it must be followed by paths according to instance's directory at url.

    # for url configure as domain or subdomain

    RewriteBase /

    #for url configured as directory inside a domain or subdomain

    RewriteBase /sugar/


    Make sure mod_rewrite is enabled in your apache and vhosts configured accordingly.

    <Directory "/var/www/html/sugar">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all
    Require all granted

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada