Chart dashlets on Christian Wettre's blog post?


I read 's blog post on "how we use dashboards" (there) and found it interesting. I noticed the charts that are used on the first 2 dashboards: 

  1. There seem to be additional icons in the title bar: image (?), save
  2. The grouped bar charts seem to be sorted, which AFAIK is not possible with standard reports
  3. New chart types: area charts, bar charts with targets + attained 

Is that a future version? A custom development? An additional plugin? Sugar Discover? 

Thanks & happy new year to all!

  • Happy new year Damien,

    Thanks for reading.

    The chart dashlet features you notice in 1 and 2 are from an enhanced chart dashlet made by W-Systems.   The additional icons you refer to are new options in the dashlet configuration to 'Copy Chart to Clipboard' and 'Download Chart as an Image'.   The enhanced chart also allows the user to specify which data series should be sorted in what order.  This is useful to create Leaderboard style charts.   

    With SugarCRM's acquisition of W-Systems, it is the intent to include these enhancements in the product over the next few months. 

    For item 3, these are time series area bar charts with a separate target data series.  These are included in the W-Systems wBenchmark tool which will also be included in the product going forward.   These types of charts are also generated by the Sugar Discover product which can be embedded in Sugar Sell as chart dashlets.

  • Happy new year Damien,

    Thanks for reading.

    The chart dashlet features you notice in 1 and 2 are from an enhanced chart dashlet made by W-Systems.   The additional icons you refer to are new options in the dashlet configuration to 'Copy Chart to Clipboard' and 'Download Chart as an Image'.   The enhanced chart also allows the user to specify which data series should be sorted in what order.  This is useful to create Leaderboard style charts.   

    With SugarCRM's acquisition of W-Systems, it is the intent to include these enhancements in the product over the next few months. 

    For item 3, these are time series area bar charts with a separate target data series.  These are included in the W-Systems wBenchmark tool which will also be included in the product going forward.   These types of charts are also generated by the Sugar Discover product which can be embedded in Sugar Sell as chart dashlets.

  • Hello Christian,

    This is great news, thank you!

    Damien Pochon

    CRM & Digital consultant @ ITS4U Group

  • Hi Christian, I have stumbled across this post, and am looking at moving some data out of the CRM to do more reporting, however, if there are enhanced features coming I might delay this.  Is there any progress on the inclusion of the new features you mentioned above? 

    I also found someone referencing a dashlet from 5 years ago that seems more advanced than the current sugar sell with a filter option, and quarters in the x axis that doesn't show the year (I can't remove the year in any report format I try using built in "Fiscal Quarter" options. Is this something that has been removed?