Calculate opp amount by the sum of RL amounts


I am new to formula.

I am trying to find out how to create a formula in opp amount field which was the sum of all related RLI amounts.

Can anyone help me?

Riccardo Arienti

Parents Reply
  • Thank you so much

    I am actually trying to assign a formula in the field in the opportunity level (.e.g opportunity amount) which sum up the calculation of all the calculated amount of every single RLI, wherewith calculated amount I refer to the multiplication of quantity per price per every single line of the RLI.

    If you have more hints those are welcome and in the meantime, I go reading your suggested articles

    Thank you again and happy new year


    Blink S.r.l. - Milano (MI) - Italy -

  • Dear

    Thank you :)

    Try the following in the Studio

    1. Clone the Opportunity field [Amount] (its label is "Likely") and name, e.g., "total amount" or as you need.
    2. Press edit the formula of this new field and change "likely_case" to "total_amount" in the formula text
    3. Save changes
    4. Place this new field in the record view

    Don't' forget to save and deploy your changes.

    The RLI's field [total_amount] (label "Calculated Amount") is calculation [Q-ty] * [Price].

    I hope you'll get what you are looking for.

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