Hello there!
I'm trying to create a seemingly simple report for one of my clients: Number of opps per client per status.
For this I tried 2 approaches:
1. Summation with details report:
Filter on opp date = this year, group by account then opp status, display summaries = account name, status, count, colums: account name, opp name, opp status. Graph: stacked horizontal bars.
I get a report showing what I need, but no way to sort the bars by # of opps. The sorting option is simply not there.
2. Summation report:
Filter on opp date = this year, group by account then opp status, display summaries = account name, status, count. Sort on count (desc). Graph: stacked horizontal bars.
I get a report that partially sorts the data, but not the way I want: the grid below shows that the sorting occurs at the smallest group (ie opp / account / status, and not at the account level.
Is there anything that can be done apart from using a third-party reporting module?
Thanks community!