How to make Opportunity Expected Close Date independent of RLI Expected Close Date in Sugar Sell

Hello All,

I am trying to change the way Expected Close Date is set in Opportunity in Sugar Sell. By default, Expected Close Date in Opportunity is calculated using Expected Close Dates in RLIs. I am trying to change this behavior so that the Opportunity Expected Close Date is set independently of RLI Expected Close Dates, and RLI Expected Close Dates are always equal to the Opportunity Expected Close Date. This is being done because Opportunities will be organized in such a way that all RLIs will always be closed on the same date. Is there a way to do this without having to override code within the core Sugar directories?

Thank you,


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Adam,

    Thank you for the reply. We do have the "Update Open Revenue Line Items" checkbox under Sales Stage in Opportunity, so that the sales stage cascades down to RLIs. But the Expected Close Date in Opportunity does not have such a checkbox. Instead, the Sales Stage in Opportunity is a read-only field that is set automatically based on the sales stages in RLIs. Is there a setting somewhere that toggles between setting the sales stage in RLI or in Opportunity?

    Best regards,
