How do I make a field required for some users but not everyone?


I am looking to create some customized modules utilizing the role based views. Can I make a field required for a select team but not required for other teams or users? 

If this is possible - how do I make this happen? Thanks for all of the help! 

  • Hi Katie DelValle,

    I noticed you mentioned Role-Based Views. The solutions offered above do not use Role-based Views, but they provide for a scenario that Role-Based Views cannot support: Being able to see the field when it is not required.

    Field requirement validation happens in the layout, so anything that hides a required field (calculated dependency or Role-based views, for example) will make the field not required when it is hidden.

    The only way to have a field visible but conditionally required is to use a custom code solution like those provided above.

    I hope this helps!

  • Hi Katie DelValle,

    I noticed you mentioned Role-Based Views. The solutions offered above do not use Role-based Views, but they provide for a scenario that Role-Based Views cannot support: Being able to see the field when it is not required.

    Field requirement validation happens in the layout, so anything that hides a required field (calculated dependency or Role-based views, for example) will make the field not required when it is hidden.

    The only way to have a field visible but conditionally required is to use a custom code solution like those provided above.

    I hope this helps!

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