ZIP Error(0): Status(0):

I'm attempting to change the Accounts billing country field from text to dropdown.  I found a manifest and custom code php online.  When I click Upload in Module Loader, I get this error:  ZIP Error(0): Status(0): Arhive(upload:// Directory(/tmp/q8hT83)

I hate to ask a newbie question, but I cannot find a resolution in any research.  Any help would be most appreciated.

SugarCRM 7.7 Enterprise Ondemand

Thanks in Advance

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  • Problem resolved.

    While humility isn't normally one of my strong attributes, I am compelled to give the 'real fix' (enter humility)  in case some else can benefit from my issue.

    The error was thrown because I misspelled the word "manifest".  In my rush, I spelled it "manfest.php".

    Seems no matter how long one is in this field (20+ years for me), errors are still caused by stupid, non-sophisticated user errors.
