We have new and exciting updates with the latest release of the Customer Journey Plug-in. First off, it is now compatible with the latest release of Sugar - Sugar Fall ‘17 (on-demand only release) expanding the current supported versions list from Sugar 7.8 onwards.
The other major feature is the addition of a brand new journey template - GDPR Compliance Tracking. Data privacy and protection has now become more important than ever thus having a set of guidelines in assistance with regulation compliance is highly useful.
Note - as the screenshot indicates below, this journey is solely an aid as GDPR Compliance guidelines and is by no means any official guarantee of compliance
In addition to this journey SugarCRM is soon releasing an ebook on GDPR Compliance guidance which will be linked here once available.
Review of Past Few Major Releases
For those of you familiar with the Customer Journey Plug-in there have been some pretty exciting enhancements over the past few releases.
A few callouts:
- “Customer Journeys” module available in mobile by default
- Sub Activities included in Journey
- Faster journey start/load times
Try It Out!
- Plugin - Customer can download the Plug-in on SugarExchange: Here
- Evals - existing customers can sign up for a 3 week eval here which includes a quick video on how to get up and running: Sign up here!
Adi Vinnakota
Product Marketing Manager