Is Account Name Required for Target?

We are trying to import a bunch of Targets into Sugar CRM. But each target has Account Name field. Do we need to assign some Account Name to Target? My understanding of Account is that, when a Prospect lead becomes a customer, he will become Contact and Account is Company Name of the Contact. So Account Name actually represents a Company of a Contact or Lead.

If we use Account Name for Target also, how do we identify the converted customers?

  • Hello,

    By default, Account Name is not a required field in either the Targets or Leads module. Whether a field is required or not is an administrator configuration, so your Sugar Administrator may have changed it from the default setting.

    When a Target is converted, it becomes a Lead. When a Lead is converted, it becomes both Account and Contact records, and at that point, yes, the account name value would become the name of the Account/Company record.

    As for telling when a record has been converted, Leads have a status field for this by default, which should automatically update to Converted when the Lead has been converted. Targets does not have a similar field by default, so you might want to add a status field and train users to update the status when they convert a Target.

    Business Analyst

    Technology Advisors, Inc.

  • Hello,

    By default, Account Name is not a required field in either the Targets or Leads module. Whether a field is required or not is an administrator configuration, so your Sugar Administrator may have changed it from the default setting.

    When a Target is converted, it becomes a Lead. When a Lead is converted, it becomes both Account and Contact records, and at that point, yes, the account name value would become the name of the Account/Company record.

    As for telling when a record has been converted, Leads have a status field for this by default, which should automatically update to Converted when the Lead has been converted. Targets does not have a similar field by default, so you might want to add a status field and train users to update the status when they convert a Target.

    Business Analyst

    Technology Advisors, Inc.

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