Is Account Name Required for Target?

We are trying to import a bunch of Targets into Sugar CRM. But each target has Account Name field. Do we need to assign some Account Name to Target? My understanding of Account is that, when a Prospect lead becomes a customer, he will become Contact and Account is Company Name of the Contact. So Account Name actually represents a Company of a Contact or Lead.

If we use Account Name for Target also, how do we identify the converted customers?

  • Hello,

    By default, Account Name is not a required field in either the Targets or Leads module. Whether a field is required or not is an administrator configuration, so your Sugar Administrator may have changed it from the default setting.

    When a Target is converted, it becomes a Lead. When a Lead is converted, it becomes both Account and Contact records, and at that point, yes, the account name value would become the name of the Account/Company record.

    As for telling when a record has been converted, Leads have a status field for this by default, which should automatically update to Converted when the Lead has been converted. Targets does not have a similar field by default, so you might want to add a status field and train users to update the status when they convert a Target.

    Business Analyst

    Technology Advisors, Inc.

  • Hello PJ M,

    Good Morning.
    Whatever said by Megan Sheehan is correct and we can't set that by just doing mass update but if you want to change then please refer to my attached screenshot and you will have your correct answer.



    You need to go to user profile and select the advanced tab and choose the format that you want to see for "Name Display Format".

    If you need anything else then let me know.
