Forgot Password link doesn't seem to be working for end user

On SugarIdentity, Forgot Password link isn't working for a particular user. User try to reset his password but he never get back any response after submitting his reset password request.  

  • Hi yash solanki,

    First, I encourage you to make 100% sure the regular user is entering their user name, not their email address, in the forgot password interface.

    If they still do not get the message, I recommend an admin log in and change that user's email address to an inbox that administrator monitors, then the admin can go through the motions by entering that user's username into the forgot password feature and see about getting that email themselves.

    If the admin gets the email, then that could point to some issue with the regular user's email address or inbox. If the admin does not get that email, you are encouraged to file a support case directly with SugarCRM Support to have them investigate further with you.

    I hope this is helpful.

  • We have these issues when user selects from an auto fill option / drop down. When I instruct people to manually type each username and email (not selecting auto fill) it works.

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