Hello, I would like to send a custom email due to a specific name relative to a campaign and a contact.
So for example, I have two modules with a relationship
- Campaign form
- Contact
When I build my rapport, I have no problem, I can see the campaign and the associated contact.
But when I build a workflow to send an email to the contact that notified the campaign. It doesn’t work. I did exactly the same thing that https://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Workflows/Notifying_a_Customer_When_Receiving_a_Note_Via_the_Portal/
I put 2 persons to the wished email (the administrator, I and the contact). The contact doesn’t receive the email. I put some dynamic value in the body of the email And I have only the values of the target module. The values of the associated module aren’t displayed. Instead I have a Invalid Value.