bug or error in campaigns?










I can not see anything in the campains status ,and the sugarcrm.log show me 




'Error running count query for Campaign List: Query Failed: (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT emailman.id) c FROM emailman
36 LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = emailman.related_id and emailman.related_type ='Users'
37 LEFT JOIN contacts ON contacts.id = emailman.related_id and emailman.related_type ='Contacts'
38 LEFT JOIN leads ON leads.id = emailman.related_id and emailman.related_type ='Leads'
39 LEFT JOIN accounts ON accounts.id = emailman.related_id and emailman.related_type ='Accounts'
40 LEFT JOIN prospects ON prospects.id = emailman.related_id and emailman.related_type ='Prospects'
41 LEFT JOIN prospect_lists ON prospect_lists.id = emailman.list_id
42 LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ON email_addr_bean_rel.bean_id = emailman.related_id and emailman.related_type = email_addr_bean_rel.bean_module and email_addr_bean_rel.primary_address = 1 and email_addr_bean_rel.d eleted=0
43 LEFT JOIN campaigns ON campaigns.id = emailman.campaign_id
44 LEFT JOIN email_marketing ON email_marketing.id = emailman.marketing_id INNER JOIN (select min(id) as id from emailman em GROUP BY em.related_id,em.marketing_id ) secondary
45 on emailman.id = secondary.id WHERE emailman.campaign_id = 'db972c85-221b-8fae-9c8e-5dba62aa5762' AND emailman.deleted=0 AND emailman.deleted=0): MySQL error 3: Error writing file '/tmp/MY m5kaDy' (Errcode: 28)'







and how can I do next?

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