Can i ensure all Contacts under an Account automatically get assigned to the Account's Assigned To/User?

Hi Team,

When you create Contacts from an Account (record) by using the + button, the contacts are automatically assigned to whoever is adding it. I would like to know if you guys know of any way that we can ensure they are Assigned to the Assigned user of the Account?


  • Seeing this thread resurrected, I figured I would offer one more solution that doesn't involve any custom coding. One of the many features of Upsert BPM Essentials allows you to inherit user relationships from parent records and gives you full access to modify the behavior as business requirements change. With this specific feature, you can:

    • Inherit different relationships for different records (e.g. technical support cases route to their assigned support rep, account maintenance cases route to their assigned customer success rep, all contacts route to their sales person, etc.)
    • Define backup routing scenarios for when an intended user is unavailable

    The dynamic capabilities of the feature allow you to enhance your customer experience so that the right people get the information they need immediately. 

  • Seeing this thread resurrected, I figured I would offer one more solution that doesn't involve any custom coding. One of the many features of Upsert BPM Essentials allows you to inherit user relationships from parent records and gives you full access to modify the behavior as business requirements change. With this specific feature, you can:

    • Inherit different relationships for different records (e.g. technical support cases route to their assigned support rep, account maintenance cases route to their assigned customer success rep, all contacts route to their sales person, etc.)
    • Define backup routing scenarios for when an intended user is unavailable

    The dynamic capabilities of the feature allow you to enhance your customer experience so that the right people get the information they need immediately. 

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