Show all Account Tasks in Dashlet

Hi! When working on a task, I would like to see all other tasks related to that account in a dashlet, even if they're assigned to different contacts and other users than me. I tried with the list view, but as it seems without success. I somehow get some tasks listed, but they're from random accounts. 

So basically what I need is dashlet with list-view => Tasks => Filter: account=currentValueOfParentAccount. Tried with sugar 7.6 professional and latest onDemand. Also I do not understand based on what criteria the "Relate to current record" checkbox is filtering.

Any hints on this?

Parents Reply
  • Hallo Daniela Scheiwe,

    the option sets that SugarCRM should display all records that are related to the current opened record only. In this case it is a task. That a random set of tasks it shown might be explained by that there is no relationship between tasks and tasks in your system and therefore that option is completely ignored by the SugarCRM logic to avoid errors.

    Creating a dashlet that shows "all open tasks related to the account where the currently viewed task is related to" is not possible out of the box with the list view dashlet.

    If this is a major problem for your companies workflow you can consider to approach a SugarCRM partner to create a custom dashlet for your instance.

    Beste Grüße

    Björn Canales Pfisterer

    Technical Support Manager

    provalida GmbH

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