Hey people.
Is there a safe way to replace the Sugar icon that appears on the tab in the browser for something custom?
Hey people.
Is there a safe way to replace the Sugar icon that appears on the tab in the browser for something custom?
You need to place a custom icon at custom/themes/default/images/sugar_icon.ico
You need to run Quick Repair and Rebuild after saving the file.
If On-Site, you could accomplish this without running Quick Repair using an Apache mod_rewrite rule for sugar_icon.ico.
For example,
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule sugar_icon.ico https://xkcd.com/s/919f27.ico [L]
App Ecosystem @ SugarCRM
Hi Matt Marum
Bit slow here...
1) Where is this code inserted - which file?
2) I assume the [L] is not part of the code - right?
3) And obviously replace the URL with my own.
Thanks, KGM
You should be able to add the above to your .htaccess file at the root Sugar directory.
The [L] at the end is significant. It has a special meaning to Apache.
App Ecosystem @ SugarCRM
You should be able to add the above to your .htaccess file at the root Sugar directory.
The [L] at the end is significant. It has a special meaning to Apache.
App Ecosystem @ SugarCRM