Notify billing via e-mail when current client's company name is updated?

In the photo below you see my company name is "The Core Training, Inc". If that changes, I want to bill to get an email about it.

I already created two process definition's that allow billing to be notified when the billing street address and last name changes. And I created a workflow that will email billing if a contact e-mail address changes. If I had to guess-  company name isn't an available choice as it is a related field?

Is there a workaround for this? I've been working on it for almost 5 days now and I just can't figure this one out.

(For reference, many companies pay for their employees to be on our training programs. If a client switches to a different company, billing needs to know so they don't continue to charge the client's old company their continued training)

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  • Hi Kayla Ebert just saw this. Don´t have time to try it and this is probably the long way around but here it goes:

    1) Create a custom field in Contacts that copies the Account name into it. (for example "Copy of Account Name")

    2) Create a "flag field" in Contacts. A calculated field that is updated from no value to the value "True" when the Account is changed. (for example "Account Name Changed")  I think: equal(related($accounts,"name"), $copy_account_name_c) will work.

    3) Create a workflow that triggers when "Account Name Changed" = True (Udated Records only - all updates), clears the "True" flag (empties that field) and then sends Caitlin her email

    You have to make sure though, that a logic is in place for the second time a contact changes Account name...

